Template - Daily Tailgate

Template - Daily Tailgate

  • $2.99
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This Daily Tailgate Meeting template is designed to help you organize and document your safety meetings efficiently. It ensures that all important topics are discussed and tracked, promoting a safer and more compliant work environment.

Key Features:

  • Meeting Details: Capture essential meeting information such as project name, date, topic, speaker, number of attendees, and location.
  • Discussion Items: Provides ample space to document all items discussed during the meeting, ensuring nothing is overlooked.
  • Concerns Brought Forward: Dedicated section to record any concerns or issues raised by attendees, facilitating open communication and prompt resolution.
  • Concerns Solved: Track and document concerns resolved from the previous week's meeting, ensuring accountability and continuous improvement.


  • Enhanced Organization: Keeps your safety meetings structured and focused, ensuring all relevant topics are covered.
  • Improved Communication: Encourages open discussion of safety concerns, promoting a proactive approach to workplace safety.
  • Accountability: Tracks the resolution of issues raised, ensuring that concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.
  • Compliance: Helps maintain thorough documentation of safety meetings, aiding in compliance with regulatory requirements.

How to Use:

  1. Before the Meeting: Fill in the project name, date, topic, speaker, number of attendees, and location.
  2. During the Meeting: Use the template to document all discussion items and any concerns brought forward by attendees.
  3. After the Meeting: Record the concerns that were solved from the last meeting to ensure follow-up and accountability.
  4. Review and Store: Regularly review and store the completed templates to maintain a record of all safety meetings and track ongoing issues.

Use this Daily Tailgate Meeting template to enhance the effectiveness and organization of your safety meetings, ensuring a safer and more compliant work environment. Available now on Safety Doc Shop for just $9.99.